Module | LV Type | CP | LV | Dates | Examination |
Ausgewählte Aspekte der anwendungsorientierten Mittelstandsfinanzierung und Kreditwirtschaft [Aktuelles Thema] | Seminar | 5 | 354694 | Mo 16:30-18:00 HKW 3 (1132|504) (×5) | |
Conceptualizing and Designing Branded Experience [Current Topic] | Seminar | 5 | 354683 | Mo 09:00-18:00 Se 1 (3024|003.1) (×1) Di 09:00-18:00 Se 1 (3024|003.1) (×1) Mi 09:00-18:00 Se 1 (3024|003.1) (×1) Do 09:00-18:00 t.b.d. (×1) Fr 09:00-18:00 t.b.d. (×1) | |
Digital Health Engineering and Entrepreneurial Innovation [Current Topic] | Seminar | 5 | 360007 | Mo 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) Di 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) Mi 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) Do 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) Fr 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) Sa 08:30-16:30 t.b.d. (×1) | |
Digital Production and Logistics Management - Industry 4.0 [Current Topic] | Seminar | 5 | 309255 | Mo 08:30-15:00 H10 (1385|217) (×4) Mo 13:00-15:00 H11 (1385|218) (×1) Mi 10:30-17:00 AS (1050|U101) (×3) | |
Empirische Forschung im Bereich Corporate Finance mit Stata [Aktuelles Thema] | Seminar | 5 | 354692 | Mo 08:00-18:00 B057 (3011|057) (×1) Di 10:00-12:00 HKW 3 (1132|504) (×1) Di 10:30-14:00 S08 (1385|208) (×1) Mi 14:30-16:00 HKW 3 (1132|504) (×1) Do 08:00-17:00 C301 (3010|301) (×1) Fr 08:00-17:00 HKW 3 (1132|504) (×1) | |
Global and Intercultural Marketing [Current Topic] | Fach-/Modulprüfung | 5 | 354641 | ||
Vorlesung/Übung | 279298 | Mi 11:00-18:00 B056 (3011|056) (×1) Mi 11:00-18:00 B057 (3011|057) (×1) Mi 11:00-18:00 B201 (3011|201) (×1) Mi 13:15-18:15 Se 1 (3024|003.1) (×1) | |||
Grundlagen von Finanzmärkten und Börsensimulation mittels Tradingplattform [Aktuelles Thema] | Seminar | 5 | 354693 | ||
Strategische Entscheidungen im Consulting [Aktuelles Thema] | Seminar | 5 | 359686 | Fr 08:15-10:15 Knorr-Bremse-Hörsaal (H04) (1385|103) (×1) |